Durban CBD

  • COLENSO - Cloustan Military Cemetary - S 28.46.749 E 29.48.608
Addington Children's Hospital 117

Addington Childrens Hospital was opened in 1931 and closed in 1993. Working through the shuttered building is like taking a walk back in time. Toys litter the floor, empty cots, murals, broken windows, peeling paint , glassed in babies wards, trees growing out of gutters and death records. The hospital is about to be refurbished at great cost,but this is a tribute to all those who contributed to the old hospital.

DURBAN - Addington - Old Military Hospital & Nursing Home

This gallery has images of the derelict old Addington Nursing Home. The original Addington Hospital was built in 1879 and named after Henry Addington, Prime Minister of England in 1801. This building has been used as a Nursing Home, Medical Practitioners rooms, a war time hospital (WWII), and more recently as the Addington Centenary Museum. The Museum has been ransacked and this Gallery shows the long term effect of neglect on once proud buildings.

Durban Architects Congress 2015

The International Architects Congress was held in 2015 at the ICC. The Congress also featured the architecture and sites of interest over the duration. This album has images of many of the special features, like the Exhibition honoring a local architect, Rodney Harber, the Faith 47 Murals at Warrick Junction, sand art, and the rooftop gardens at 77 Monty Naiker Street. Also included are special exhibitions in the Museum at the time.

Durban - 1 st Avenue & Lower Sydenham Road

1st Avenue and the area known as Block AK was where the Indian community were removed under apartheid and still has many empty spaces between the businesses that have emerged. This area also features the old Portuguese hall that is now inhabited by vagrants and some old derelict buildings. Lower Sydenham Road has the attractive Kendra Hall.

Durban CBD - Albert Park, St Georges,McCarthur, St Andrews & Lello\'s Passage.

This gallery has street views of the area along with images of the St Georges Street Church, Albert Park,the Natal Settlers Museum and many of the residences and shops in the area.

Durban CBD - Architectural Detail and Motifs

If One takes a walk in the vicinity of central Durban and along Smith and West Streets down to the Esplanade, and look around you will find an amazing array of different architectural features. This album has images of Art Deco Design, gargoyles, Municipal Coat of Arms and many adornments that beautify the buildings.

DURBAN - CBD - Aliwal Street ( Samora Machel)

Durban\'s Aliwal Street running North from the harbour has some interesting architectural buildings such as the Enterprise Art Deco building, the CongregationalChurch (now a business), and The old Court House Cultural Museum. The Museum was originally the Court House (24/05/1866), used as a potential refuge in the Zulu Wars and now a Museum since 1965.

Durban CBD - Bond & Victoria Streets

This Gallery has the small commercial shops in Bond Street and the larger businesses of Victoria Street which includes the Victoria market, a large structure which houses many stalls mainly selling cultural goods and foods of Indian origin.

DURBAN - Cathedral Street & Madressa Arcade

Cathedral Street features Emmanuel Cathedral , commissioned by Bishop Carolus Jolivet and built in 1902. The building is in Neo-Gothic style built of brick alongside the Parish offices.

Durban CBD - Commercial Road

Durban Commercial Road runs from West to East with many city symbols along its route like Nicoll Square & Pine Parkades, The Workshop and many businesses.

Durban Club & Club Manor - 369

The Durban Club was formed in June 1854, but the present site was only occupied on completion in 1904. The building is of Edwardian style. The Club has hosted many famous military, political and City fathers and some famous men are commemorated with rooms named after them. This gallery features the club and rooms such as the Lord Louis Mountbatten, Jan Smuts and Churchill Rooms. The Club used to be almost on the waters of the Bay, however reclamation has "pushed " back these waters. In 2002 the Club building was sold to a Zimbabwean woman and the top floor leased back on a 99 year lease. The lower section is operated as a Manor and conference venue. The Club has loads of interesting memorabilia, some of which is featured in this gallery and many great architectural features. Sadly the building exterior is not being well maintained in accordance with its important status and heritage value.

Durban - CBD - Emmanuel Cathedral

This gallery has extensive images of the interior and exterior of this Catholic Cathedral in the west end of the Durban CBD. Included are images of the many stain glass windows and friezes in the interior. There are also images of the graves of many of the earlier residents and serving priests.

Durban CBD - Francis Farewell Square & Cenotaph

Durban\'s Francis Farewell Square is an important heritage zone.The Square has statues of Queen Victoria (60 Years), Field Marshall Jan Smuts, Harry Escombe and Natal\'s 1st Prime Minister, John Robinson. The most impressive feature is the Art Deco Cenotaph, commemorating those who fell in the wars that have involved South Africans. There is also a monument to those who died in the Anglo Boer War.

Durban CBD - Gardiner St & Central  Post Office - 102

This Gallery mainly features the Central Post Office in Gardiner Street. (Dorothy Nyembe). The Post office was used in 1908 for the Convention leading to the formation of the Union of South Africa.

Durban CBD - Grey,Queens, Leopold, Albert & Prince Edward Streets

This Gallery has images from the above streets. Most of this area was designated for Indian use under apartheid. Many of the buildings, which have mixed residential and commercial use date back to the early twentieth century. The most significant structures are the Grey Street Mosque and the more recent Victoria Market.

DURBAN - Harbour

This Gallery has aerial images of the harbour mouth, the passenger terminal and the Perla Siedle Gibson statue along with images of the general harbour and sugar terminals. Durban harbour is the busiest port in Africa and serves not only South Africa but many of the landlocked counties to the north.

Durban -Harbour  & Point (aerial)

This album of the harbour is unique in that all the images of the Bluff, Harbour mouth, harbour itself and the point area are taken from the air or from the vantage point of a passenger ship. The images give a clear idea of the extent of the harbour and of the mouth after its widening after the turn of the century.

DURBAN - Kwa Muhle Museum - S 29.51.151 E 31.01.445

Durban's Kwa Muhle Museum was the former offices of the Port Natal Bantu Affairs Board but now features displays relating to the Apartheid " Durban System " and the struggle for dignity by its citizens. The album also has images of the Delville Wood exhibition set up in the Museum to commemorate this devastating battle where so many SA lives were lost.

DURBAN CBD Greyville  - M.L.Sultan Road and St Anthonys Church 93

M.L.Sultan Road ( Formerly Centenary) features images of M.L.Sultan College, St Anthony's Catholic Church (1936) and St Aidans Hospital as well as the City's main fire station.

Durban CBD - Lorne, Carlisle, Derby. Alice & Beatrice Streets

This Gallery features both commercial and residential buildings on the north western fringe of the CBD. Included is the Congregational Church in Beatrice street that is about to collapse.

Durban Natural Science Museum Research Centre

The Durban Natural Science Museum Research Centre was the former Durban Moths Hall. The building after 60 years of use by the MOTHS was handed over to the Municipality in 2005 for its present use. Architecturally the Tudor style building has many interesting features like its tower and the stain glass windows installed by the MOTHS. It is now research centre and used for storage of collections and used by taxidermists. The MOTHS was formed in 1927 by Charles Evenden to commemorate the fallen and grant assistance to past servicemen where required. This album also features the neglected buildings erected in 1953 for the British Empire Service Leaque, who no longer use the buildings.

Durban CBD - Side Streets - 105

This Gallery incorporates many of the shorter side streets running off from West & Smith Streets. The most notable in this Gallery are Cato Square, Baker Street, Durban Club Place, Fenton Road, Convent Lane, Masonic Grove,Greeacres Passage,Mercury Lane , Park Street and Hermitage Lane.

Durban (Ordnance Road ) Military Cemetary 74

Duban\'s Ordnance Road or Wyatt Road Military Cemetary contains the graves of members of the British Colonial forces who fell in the attack on the Boers at Congella on 23 May 1842. It also contains graves of other men who died of disease and in subsequent clashes involving South African and Imperial forces including 80 Commonwealth burials of WWI, mostly deaths from the many WWI hospitals established in Durban. This site has named photographs of all the graves.

Durban CBD - Russell & Broad Streets

Russel (Joseph Nduli) & Broad Street in the CBD typify the many Durban streets close to the core CBD with a mixture of commerce and residences alongside some of the old churches of the City. Many architectural variations can be seen, with old and new alongside one another.

Durban CBD - Old Central Prison Murals

All that remains of the Old Durban Central Jail is a watchtower and some of the walls of the former prison. The murals and plaques on the walls commemorate the people who were imprisoned here for involvement in the Liberation struggle. Amongst the events commemorated are the Passive Resistance Movement and the Defiance Campaign of 1960 led by Dr Albert Luthuli. It is also a celebration of the tenets of the new Constitution based on a Bill of Human Rights.

Durban CBD - Pine (Monty Naiker) 110 Street

This Gallery has images of this street that runs West to East from the West street Cemetary to the Beach front. Included amongst many of the shops are images of the parking parkades, Art Deco Colonial Mutual building,Ferdinand Pessoa monument and St Pauls Cathedral.

Durban CBD - Soldiers Way & Field Street - 100

This Gallery covers Field Street & Soldiers Way and features landmarks such as the Old NCR Railway terminal, Post Office and, in the past well known hotels such as the Grosvenor and Butterwoth Hotels. The old railway station now functions as a gym and tourist information centre.

Durban CBD - The Royal Hotel -  759

The Royal Hotel Durban has stood at the centre of Durban and its history for more than 150 years. On 12 December 1845 Durban’s first hotel opened to the public. The hotel was first named McDonald's Commercial Hotel , then the Masonic and finally the Royal. Over the last 175 years the hotel had had many owners This album has images of the hotel exterior and some of the internal features including the famous Grill Room, with its Colonial charm and stained-glass windows.

DURBAN  CBD - Victoria Embankment (Part One ) 30

Durban's Victoria Embankment - (Now Margaret Mncadi) is the main artery feeding the Harbour area of the CBD. The Embankment has iconic features like the Durban Club, Da Gama Monument, Dick King Monument, Customs House, The Maritime Museum and many high rise offices and flats facing onto the Harbour.

Durban - St Pauls Cathedral,City Hall & surrounds - 128

This gallery features the St Paul's Anglican Cathedral, the City Hall and the surrounding area which includes The Cenotaph, Playhouse, Smith Street and the plinth commemorating Winston Churchill's speech outside the Central Post Office.

Durban Surf Lifesaving Club

Durban Surf Lifesaving which was founded in June 1927 is well placed on the central Durban beaches near north pier. The building is listed and well utilizes by the surfing and swimming community. This album has images of the Club, upper deck and some of the memorabilia and honours boards.

DURBAN - Point Road (Mahatma Gandi ) - 79

Durban Point was the first area in Durban to be formerly established. The present day Point is undergoing a renaissance, with the old facades being preserved alongside the new developments.The area has mixed developments of commercial, warehousing,sports facilities, shipping offices and residences.This gallery illustrates the old with the new and whilst still reflecting the rich history of the area. Many of the old structures are work in progress.

Durban - Smith Street (Anton Lembede) 113

Smith Street, named after Captain Thomas C . Smith (27th Regiment , Royal Inniskillings), runs west to east from the railway line to the beachfront. Smith street is the main commercial and office hub of the CBD. Along its length are the many side streets, the Playhouse, City Hall, Francis Farewell Square, museums, shops and hotels (eg Royal & Albany). This is the oldest street in Durban and as such has many places of interest in its vicinity.

DURBAN - Warrick Triangle area

The Warrick Triangle area incorporates the early morning market, a vibrant commercial area close to the bus & taxi ranks and also the buildings of the Technical College and park with statues of King Dinizulu and General Louis Botha.

Durban CBD - Walnut Road, Stanger Street & Old Prison 98

Walnut Road is adjacent to the ICC and features the old remaining wall of the Durban Central Prison which now is a wall featuring murals celebrating Human Rights associated with the Freedom Struggle. Old and new architecture of significance is also featured, including structures in Stanger Street.

Durban CBD - West Street Cemetary

West Street Cemetary has some of the oldest graves in Durban, including those of William Stanger (Surveyor General of Natal), Greenacre family and many of the early citizens of Durban. There are also military graves relating to WW1 & WW II scattered around. Sadly the old chapel has been desecrated.

Durban CBD - Victoria Embankment  - ( Part Two) ( Margaret Mncadi)

This Victoria Embankment has images of the Dias Monument, Art Deco such as Quadrant House, The Durban Club, Law Courts, views of the harbour from land and the air, and many interesting buildings along this busy city artery.

Durban CBD - West Street ( Dr Pixley ka Seme)

Durban West Street, named after Martin West, the first Lt. Governor of Natal, runs from the West Street Cemetary eastwards to the beach front. West Street has many iconic structures like the Greenacres building, City Hall, Francis Farewell Square, General Post Office, Medwood Gardens and many high rise office blocks with retail at ground level. There are also a number of churches and smaller hotels and motor city , closer to the beach front.

KZN: A Photographic Historical Record

KZN: A Photographic Historical Record