KZN: A Photographic Historical Record


This post coincides with the departure of Karl Bressler, Deputy Head of the College to take up a teaching post in the Far East after a long spell at Clifton. Go well, Karl. Stubbs House at Clifton , was the residence of Harry Stubbs who founded...

My new that book that features forty old, repurposed homes of KwaZulu-Natal is now available.  The message is that once a cherished home has run its course, there is no need to discard it, as it may have a useful ‘after-life’. This is especially important for...

The Craigieburn Dam was once the centre of a thriving dairy industry and a well maintained fishing resort. Land claims put paid to that and it is now goats that thrive on roaming through the derelict resort and the derelict farm buildings. The sandstone Methodist Chapel...

in 1552 the Portuguese Sao Joao ran aground near Port Edward with 600 soles aboard. Over 100 perished and the remainder of the passengers set out for Delagoa Bay in Mozambique. Only 17 survived this gruelling march.  The ship was carrying porcelain, tapestries, gold and spices...

  [caption id="attachment_119751" align="aligncenter" width="200"] The monument atop Mount Alice[/caption] [caption id="attachment_119752" align="aligncenter" width="300"] View from Mount Alice towards Spionkop[/caption] [caption id="attachment_119753" align="aligncenter" width="235"] Mount Alice views and Diorama[/caption] [caption id="attachment_119754" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Mount Alice view of Spionkop and Vaalkrans[/caption] [caption id="attachment_119755" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The iron bridge at Potgieter's Drift...

  [caption id="attachment_119693" align="aligncenter" width="287"] The Abbey church completed in 1952[/caption]   It was a call from Brother Michael from Inkamana Abbey that alerted me to the Abbeys' existence. He was wanting my book on the Trappist Missions of KwaZulu-Natal that I published in 2019. Inkamana Abbey was founded...

My Great Great Grandfather Josiah Benjamin Adam Bland, who arrived in SA and married Catharina Frederika du Plessis, of French Huguenot and Boer descent. Their daughter Helena Aletta Bland  married  Irishman John George Cheere Emmett. Their daughter Annie Francis Bland Emmett married Louis Botha. Louis Botha,...

Often graffiti artists are vilified, however some of these people are artists of note. The Kloof rail overpass has been decorated in fine style. The vibrance and detail of this work is truly reflective of serious talent. ...

KZN: A Photographic Historical Record